jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Konnan, a reformed fighter

Mexican wrestling is full of notable characters that go from the successors of wrestling emporiums to former convicts that found redemption inside the rings, like Konnan "El Bárbaro".

Konnan was born in 1964, but he grew in Miami as his family escaped from Castro regime. At the peninsula, Konnan got involved with gangs and committed felonies, that had him serve time. Later, he was forced to enlist the Navy (or go back to prison, otherwise) and after his service he started wrestling.

Leaving his criminal life behind, Konnan looked to be trained by Rey Misterio Sr and other champions that had him on the right way. On top of that, his military training and voluptuous body helped him to get ahead many encounters on the sport.

After he got to be known in Mexican rings, Konnan returned to US where he has spent most of his career.

Of course, Konnan couldn´t be missed in Héroes del Ring, since surely there are more than one enthusiast that would like to use the Cuban to beat the competition.


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