lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010

Train like the big ones

When we analyze a wrestler´s body, we can see many carrying a prominent belly, but there are some muscled ones with no fat. This is thanks to a rigorous training.

Diet is basic for any sportsman as, in order to perform at maximum, it´s required a high-protein, low-carb diet.

On top of cardio and proper feeding, it is required to make muscular toning work. Generally, when starting a routine it is worked by groups: back, chest, arms and legs. Eventually the routine is divided by smaller muscles: shoulders, biceps, triceps, etcetera.

While running and jump the rope are good cardio exercises, every sport training sets its favorite cardio. For example: soccer players are running all the time and box fighters jump the rope every day.

Exercising helps in many ways: to keep us healthy, to look good, but more important, to make us feel excellent.

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